About Magzter
Get instant access to over 5,000 UK and international magazines.
With the Magzter Gold subscription, you can read unlimited magazines including back-issues.
Read anywhere on the web or app. Download titles to read offline. Share your account with up to 4 family members.
You’ll find a wide selection available from bestsellers to niche publications.
Try for free and cancel any time.
How Does Magzter Compare to Other Magazine Services?
Magzter offers a wide selection of global magazines and newspapers, similar to Readly and PressReader. While Readly also provides access to numerous magazines, Magzter includes both magazines and newspapers. At £7.99 per month, it is competitively priced for users who want diverse reading material on a single platform.
What does the Magzter free trial offer?
The 7-day free trial provides unlimited access to over 8,000 magazines and newspapers across various genres.
Do I need to provide payment details for the trial?
Yes, payment details are required, but you will not be charged if you cancel before the trial ends.
Can I cancel during the trial?
Yes, you can cancel anytime before the trial period ends.
How much does Magzter cost after the trial?
It costs £7.99 per month for a Premium subscription.